
Friday, February 02, 2007

Oops! Didn't Mean to Get Caught [UPDATED] 

A Mercury News article exposing a small bit of waste at VTA had me chuckling. Seems the nice folks at River Oaks put out a 33-page call for bakeries to bid on a contract to supply them with cake and wanted to form a five-member tasting committee to ensure high-quality. When the Mercury asked them about it Michael Burns canceled the requisition. It was cited as not being a critical "project".

I'm surprised anyone outside VTA got wind of it. How many non-critical projects does VTA have that no one on the outside knows about? How much waste could be prevented if the public were more aware of VTA's spendthrift ways?

Barry Witt wrote the article for the Mercury News. If you know of more instances of VTA waste, you can call him directly at (408) 920-5703 or email him at bwitt@mercurynews.com.

News of this is being reported as far away as Detroit in The Detroit News.