
Saturday, February 28, 2004

The Coming Year 

I can't help wondering what will happen to VTA in the coming year.
Already there have been two layoffs, and a round of fare increases,
with more increases to come next January.

Will the board see reason? Are they so backed against the wall that any
reasonable move means slitting their own throats?

I can't help but feel anxiety when I see the new light rail under
construction and read about the $52
million they allocated for studying extending BART to San Jose
while the state and federal governments cut VTA's funding because of
poor performance--money they were counting on to revitalize their
projects and keep promises made to measure A voters.

While they eliminate "positions"
at River Oaks and shift people around, drivers are in real fear for
their jobs. You may have noticed some new faces in the office at your
yard. That is a person who's position at River Oaks was " style="font-style: italic;">eliminated". Notice that style="font-weight: bold;">they were not eliminated--just their

No mention is ever made of the new position created for them, or of the
"vacant" position they filled.
Just that their old position was eliminated, as if that means they were
laid off. VTA always seems to have enough vacant positions to shift
themselves into when it is time to eliminate.

Meanwhile, service gets cut, drivers lose their jobs, fares go up, and
big spending continues--as planned.
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