
Friday, October 28, 2005

The Union Is At It Again 


ARTICLE IX, UNION STEWARDS, Section 5. "...For the performance of their duties, the Stewards shall pay ½ of their Union Dues..."

ARTICLE X, THE EXECUTIVE BOARD, Section 8. "...For their faithful performance of their duties, Executive Board Officers shall pay ½ of their Union Dues..."

Section 6. "...In addition to the monthly dues, there shall be a five-dollar ($5) General Fund Assessment to pay for Arbitration expenses, mandatory audit expenses, and general office expenses..."

Section 10. "...Any member out of work on Industrial Injury, sickness, or pregnancy, for more than thirty (30) days shall then be required to pay only per capita tax ½ of their Union Dues and the General Fund Assessment..."

ARTICLE XXI, SAFETY AND HEALTH COMMITTEE, Section 8. "...For the faithful performance of their duties, Committee members shall pay ½ of their Union Dues..."
They want to lessen their financial burden and unload it on the rest of us.

They tried this earlier this year and failed to pass it. This "new" proposal is virtually identical to the previous one. Notice what it says at the beginning of the proposal:
In accordance with Article XXIII of the Local By-Laws, the following five (5) amendments to our Local By-Laws have been reviewed and approved the Local’s Executive Board during the September 27, 2005 Executive Board Session, and shall be read at the October 19, 2005 and November 16, 2005 Membership Meetings, followed by a vote of the Membership at the November 16, 2005 Membership Meeting. It shall require a two-thirds (2/3) vote of all members present to adopt such changes or amendments.
They figure if they keep trying, that eventually there will be few enough opposing members present and it will pass.

When was the last time they made themselves available in a meaningful way to the membership? Do they deserve a break on their dues? Send them a loud and clear message...NO!
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