
Thursday, December 22, 2005

Does Gonzales' Criminal Investigation Taint BART? 

SJ Mayor May Get Booted | Gilroy Dispatch

That question has to be on the minds of BART's supporters and critics alike. Other investigations have been launched into Ron Gonzales' activities before.
Mr. Gonzales has two official charges pending against him. He has been campaining for re-election using individual donations of as much as $5,000. San Jose's campaign laws limit such donations to $500 in an election year. His only response to these charges is that he needs them to push BART, using the ends to justify the means.
That is from my own report on May 11, 2004. Now he is under investigation for making backroom deals with garbage collectors.

This cannot look good to those who wish to see BART completed. It certainly doesn't look good to those opposed to it. What other dirty little secrets is Ron Gonzales hiding?

Whatever they are, the San Jose City Council is trying to distance itself and perform damage control by seriously considering removing Ron Gonzales from his position on the VTA board. They should. He is bad for transportation policy in Santa Clara County.

How can someone involved in shady campaign financing and backroom contracts with city funds be trusted?
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