
Friday, December 02, 2005

"Straight" Is Not a Dirty Word 

VTA delays vote on tax priorities

But being straight with the voters is a problem for you isn't it:
"Don, they don't care what you think," said David Casas of Los Altos, sitting next to Gonzales but not looking at the San Jose mayor as he spoke. "They don't care what I think. I'm not sure they care what voters think." ...

... "There is a lack of trust that is disturbing," said San Jose Vice Mayor and mayoral candidate Cindy Chavez, who will take over as VTA chairwoman next month. "If people feel duped, we have to deal with those perceptions and feelings that they have."
The lack of trust is not what is disturbing—what is disturbing is that the only thing this board cares about is how they are perceived, rather than caring about doing the right thing for Santa Clara County.

You did dupe the voters in 2000. You lied about what would happen with the tax money they voted for. You mis-managed VTA's funds so badly that the Santa Clara County Grand Jury investigated you and recomended disbanding the Board all-together!

And you continue to pretend that it's all just a public relations problem, that if you can just communicate better to the public that everything will be alright. Well, it won't, because it isn't a public relations problem; it's a gross mis-management problem. You are the problem!
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